What are Pre-Fabricated Steel Structures and Why Are They Used?

Have you ever seen massive facilities like exhibition centers, aircraft hangers, and military bases? What's common in them? It is their structure, which is not like traditional structures. Engineers use unique methods for those places to reduce the fast construction process's cost, time, and complexity. These massive facilities are known as pre-engineered steel structures. The overall structure from the bottom to the top is made of steel, and there is nothing except that. 

Another fantastic thing about them is that their massive components are manufactured in factories. Once manufactured, they are transported and assembled to complete the facility. By the way, why are they used? This blog explains everything.

1.   More Advanced and Speedy Construction Method

Traditional construction requires lots of material and complexities. However, a pre-fabricated steel structure is more straightforward, advanced, and speedy. All these advantages come along with this pre-engineered building structure. Some users prefer this system because it saves time and gives a simpler appearance. Some places do not require a multistory structure; they only need a hollow structure. The reason is the use of large equipment inside or high ventilation and natural airflow.  

That's why a prefabricated steel structure consists of skylights, ridge ventilators, etc. Natural light is used where no artificial lighting is required. This saves electricity costs and keeps the environment natural. 

2.   Assembling Process Makes It More Manageable 

The construction process is faster than traditional because all it needs is assembling. Since all the components are manufactured inside a factory, all a contractor has to do is assemble them right away. Each element in a pre-fabricated steel structure is separately manufactured and assembled. Namely, you will find roof purling, rafters, columns, aluminum windows, handrails, roof jacks, etc. Many other components are installed where they belong to. That process takes large machines and expert guidance to meet the successful construction process.

There is no need for cement, water, or any other material except steel components. The entire pre-fabricated steel structure depends on the assembling process, which takes less time. It takes a few steps, like production, transportation, and installation. 

3.   Transportation is Challenging but Manageable 

Construction companies face challenges when transporting those components. Since each steel component is massive, the logistics department must face the challenge. They need giant transporting modes like long-trailer trucks. Outsourcing the transportation service slightly increases the project's cost. However, some prefabricated steel structure manufacturers have their own transportation service to deal with these challenges. In that case, they can transport those substantial prefabricated steel components. 

4.   Suitable for Hollow Structures Like Expo Halls and Warehouses

A pre-fabricated steel structure is suitable for hollow structures where one needs a large area inside. The hollow structure allows industrial production, vehicle movement, and similar activities. To clarify that, here are some examples of pre-fabricated steel structures. Exhibition halls, malls, warehouses, aircraft hangars, and military bases need a pre-engineered steel structure. 

Temporary hospitals and vaccination centers are also common examples of suitable construction modes. Speedy construction takes less time and resources to meet urgent requirements. Governments also prefer these structures for temporary solutions. They could be medical facilities, immigrants' temporary settlements, etc.

5.   Steel Structure Makes Their Survival Longer

You might assume these pre-fabricated steel structures are fragile against storms and weather challenges. However, you will be surprised that they can survive almost every weather challenge. Storms, heavy rains, snow, and extreme heat can cause no threat to these giant pre-fabricated steel structures. The reason behind this is the engineering methods and the right materials. Carbon steel, high-strength-low-alloy steel, hot rolled steel, and weathering steel are common types used for construction. Different types of steel have various levels of strength and weaknesses. Usually, all these types prove to be the best for prefab steel buildings. 

6.   Require Less Production Cost and, Of Course, Less Time 

The production cost is lower in terms of labor and material usage. Since labor costs are among the highest in most countries, a pre-fabricated steel structure eliminates that challenge. Therefore, the overall production cost is less than that of traditional construction. Neither laborers nor materials like cement are used in these structures. Since these factors are not involved, the time factor is also affected. The production time is reduced because large machines do the most work. A few trained operators are enough to operate those machines for a fast installation process. 

7.   Pre-Fabricated Steel Structures Have Easier Maintenance 

Even the maintenance process and cost have an advantage over traditional construction. A pre-engineered steel structure requires less maintenance because it is based on steel. Steel can resist weather threats to prevent rusting, making it less problematic. This shows that these pre-fabricated steel structures require less maintenance and less time. Only a few welding works and patches are enough to repair the damages that occur over time. Most of them do not need paint or any kind of wallpaper. That eliminates a significant cost of renovation. Also, steel has a smooth surface that gives a pleasant appearance to a place. Structures like that hardly need any wall paint or wallpaper.


The world is going for less material usage and more durability. A pre-fabricated steel structure meets these factors, offering industries temporary and semi-permanent structures. Medical, aerospace, automobile, and many other industries use these steel structures for spacious facilities. Hardly a few months are enough to build a spacious pre-fabricated steel structure anywhere. 

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